World Of Heraldry

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

2012 and the demise of the Republican party

On the way to work today I was listening to talk radio like I usually do. What really struck me is how even supposedly conservative talk radio hosts are pushing the watered down “moderate” conservative and discounting other candidates.
Herman Cain is ahead in many polls, but they treat him like he is your crazy uncle that comes over and says funny stuff then everyone says, oh there goes crazy uncle Herman again, and laugh it off. I am getting sick of it.
They tout electability all the time. Who are they to determine electability? The media and that includes conservative media think we are all a bunch of rubes that need to be told what to think. Stop insulting us. While I will admit the majority of Americans are woefully uninformed and a good portion of the voting public are not informed, that doesn’t mean we can’t decide who is electable. If Herman Cain is ahead in the polls, guess what, the people want him!
I would love to see Ron Paul or Herman Cain as our nominee. I would gladly support either one. But if the republicans put forward Mitt Romney then all we will be doing is guaranteeing four more years for President Obama. John McCain was unelectable because he had more in common with Ted Kennedy than any other republican. Romney will lose because he is almost indistinguishable from Obama.
We want and we demand a change in Washington. Our government has long gone away from being “a government of the people, for the people and by the people” to being “a government in spite of the people, for the government, and by the government”. We need to get back to the basics. Our Federal Government is too big, too powerful and too corrupt. Americans no longer understand that we are a union of 50 individual “States” each State is a separate entity joined together with other States for teh common good to form a union of states. The constitution limits the Federal Government to a very specific mandate and frees the States to rule themselves. Why did we forget this?  

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