World Of Heraldry


Where do I stand Politically.

I was raised in an upper-middle class home in a small town in Michigan. My parents we conservative and some would say "old fashioned."

I Joined the Navy out of high school and was more interested in my own affairs then anything political.

I was married in 1988 and started my family. Things took on a new light for me. I was in the United Kingdom and through direct observation of my Scottish friends and my interaction with the UK government; I saw first hand the broken, heavy handed and burdensome life under socialism.

I began to be much more politically aware. Upon my return to the states in the mid 90's I started listening to talk radio. My eyes were opened to an entirely new perspective on the news and politics. No longer was my information limited to one source.

I officially became a "Republican". I supported George W. Bush and was proud to say, "I am a Republican."

On 9/11 I deployed to the middle east for an extended period of time. I fully supported our mission. I saw it as a noble and worthwhile mission. I thought we could make a difference and bring freedom to the Gulf.

As time went on I became more and more disillusioned with the Republican establishment and the administration. Our mission became muddied, our goals were not well founded, I started to think we were doing more harm then good.

I retired from the military in 2007. I no longer believed or supported our mission in the middle east. I saw no clean exit from the area and no indication that we were even wanted or appreciated. 

I no longer called myself a "Republican". I now identified my self as a "Conservative".

I did not support John McCain or Barack Obama in 2008. I saw both as leading us to the same place just at different speeds. It was a place I did not want to go.

In 2012 I am again faced with a distasteful choice. I can vote for President Obama and continue on a super-highway to socialism and the destruction of the USA. I can vote for Mitt Romney  and continue on a side road to socialism and the destruction of the USA, or I can choose not to vote and have no say in where or when the USA goes bankrupt.

The only hope I see is to support Conservative men locally the effect change starting on the local level. Conservative representatives in the House and Conservatives in the Senate.

That is where I stand. You don't have to agree, you don't have to like it. It is what I feel and I am sure as I learn and grow I will again reevaluate my stance on many an issue.

Where do you stand? If you would like to discuss any issues I would love to hear from you. Post a comment or email me.

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