World Of Heraldry

Thursday, October 27, 2011

I'm Still standing

Well we are still all here including Harold Camping.

Guess he was wrong again. Please don't take me for a skeptic. The end is coming and every Knee will bow every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is lord.

When will it happen? I don't know. I do know that no man knows and anyone that says he does is a liar and the truth is not in him.

If a prophet’s words do not come true, he is a false prophet. We should disregard all his testimony for he is not of the Lord. The Old Testament demands we stone him. I am in no way calling for Mr. Camping’s death, God will take him soon enough. It boggles my mind why anyone still listens to him, or even worse give him all of their money.

There are many interpretations as thoughts on the end times. Who is right? Probably none of us. Some are just more right than others. For my view see my blog post: "The End is Near…" May 24, 2001

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