World Of Heraldry

Thursday, May 23, 2013

The Anglican Problem

I am a literalist. The Bible was “God breathed” it is the inspired word of God and infallible. If any writings of man contradict the Bible then the Bible is the fall back and only truth. While I rely on the writings of man to inspire me to dig deeper, or to offer insights that the Holy Spirit has shown them, the truth is always in the word. Solo Scriptura is my motto. If you can invalidate even one small part of the scriptures you have destroyed the whole. We cannot pick and choose the scriptures we like and ignore the rest, (see the current scandal with the Presiding Bishop of the Episcopalian church and her statements in Curacao).[1][1] Therefore any discussion as to which parts of the Gospels are “True” or “Historically accurate” and which parts are fabrications added later are foolishness. The only source we need for an accurate and true depiction of Jesus the Bible. Other sources may add credence for the unbeliever, but for me I only need the Bible. The Gospels are 100% accurate and wholly reliable.

The Anglican Church is gone.  Their current Presiding Bishop is not a Christian. I know I will take some flak for that statement but I can see no other way of saying it.

To be a “Christian” is to be a follower of Christ. The Bible is the inspired and infallible word of God. Whole of Scriptures are true, and no part can be discarded or it all crumbles to the ground. Homosexuality is a sin. I do not say that, the Bible does. To say that that teaching was just a prejudice of Paul or a cultural norm that does not apply today is blasphemy. We all sin, don’t get me wrong there, and all sin is equal. Homosexuality is no greater sin then lying, stealing, adultery or fornication. The difference is in the acceptance of sin. We cannot accept sin and pretend it is okay. We are commanded to confront sin in all its forms. When we sin, and we all do, we are to repent and seek forgiveness. When our brothers sin we are to go to them in love to help them through their sin. We do not judge the sinner, we judge the sin. And confront it no matter where we see it. In us or in others, If I am openly living in any sin and deny that it is sin, and my brother confronts me I should thank him, not accuse him of being a bigot or a hater.

In my humble opinion it is not possible to be an openly practicing homosexual, adulterer, or any other sin, parsing the word to suit your own morality and denying the divinely inspired word and still call yourself a “Christian”.

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