World Of Heraldry

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Why the Republican Party will give President Obama 4 more years.

Why to the blue-blood republicans and the “establishment” try to force RINO’s on us every time. McCain was horrendous and even though Obama probably would have won against anybody the republicans put up. McCain guaranteed it. Now everywhere you turn you see Romney Romney Romney. We are told he is the only one that is electable. Who are they to tell us who is electable!. Poll after Poll show Herman Cain either ahead, a virtual tie or slightly behind. Why exactly is he un-electable?

Unfortunately I live in North Carolina, and because of the primary schedule the Nominees will already have been all but picked before I get to voice my opinion. We need to do away with the current primary/caucus system and have every state have the primaries on the same day. Then my primary vote wouldn’t be irrelevant and we might actually get a nominee with morals and principles.

That and many other reasons are why I am not a Republican any longer.

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