World Of Heraldry

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

You might be surprised.

On May 8th North Carolinians will get a chance to vote on a constitutional amendment. The Amendment reads: 

Marriage between one man and one woman is the only domestic legal union that shall be valid or recognized in this state. 

For those who know me, or if you’ve been reading this blog for awhile, this may come as a surprise to you. I am against the amendment. I think it is a travesty of justice.

Why am I against it? I think that the government should get out of the marriage business all together. Why do we have state sanctioned marriage? Marriage was instituted by God and should remain in that realm. There should not be any legal benefits or special rules because you pay the state a fee for a piece of paper that really means nothing more than until divorce do us part.

I have been married for 24 years to a wonderful woman. She is everything to me and I can’t imagine life without her. Our marriage is a joining together by God and we will be married until Death do us part. Divorce is not acceptable for any but very specific circumstances and the tragedy of modern American marriage is appalling.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Time to go

Yesterday, Former Presidential candidate and current US Senator John McCain said the US should consider Bombing Syrian Military targets. Why? Because the war crimes against their own people. Following that logic Great Britton should have come in on the Confederacies Side and Bombed Washington DC and taken out Union forces to stop Sherman’s march to the sea. We should be bombing China, North Korea, Iran, Syria, Lebanon, most of Central Africa, Venezuela, Columbia, and many other areas of the world.
Jay Carney the Press Secretary for the President was asked when the last Al Qaida member was killed in Afghanistan. He replied April 2011. Since then 466 US soldiers have died and scores more injured.
I served in two of our most recent wars, I was in the military for 21 years, I supported both wars at the time. Now I think it is time to go. We have spent Billions and Billions supporting the propped up unpopular and ineffectual government of Afghanistan for far too long.
Recently terrorists in Afghanistan desecrated the Koran by writing in it to send messages to other terrorists in our custody. When we discovered the desecrated Korans, we could not give them back, we could not allow the prisoners to have them and they were considered desicrat3es by Islamic law. So we burned them. Now our soldiers are being killed despite the incessant groveling by our government. Tell Afghanistan. Sorry we tried. You insist on being 7th century savages. We are out of here. Pull out every last troop, take every last thing we can that is our and destroy the rest so no one can use it. Let them kill themselves I no longer care.