World Of Heraldry

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Paul / Cain 2012

Today I have changed my mind. I was all out for Herman Cain for President. I still like Cain, but I have changed. My new dream team for 2012 is Ron Paul / Herman Cain. With Paul’s experience in the military and Washington and his proven long term track record I support him for President with Herman Cain as his VP bringing in vast business experience and a common sense approach to Washington, (9 9 9, I prefer the FairTax but it is better then our current system.
I don’t agree with all of Ron Paul’s ideas, in fact some of them are a little whacky, but to be honest the only way I would be happy with all of a candidates’ views is if I was made Emperor of the world. So I just have to choose among the available options. I choose you Ron Paul.
Of course by the time the North Carolina’s primaries get her the Republican nominee will have already been anointed so there is no real point in my participation in the primary process and I will be stuck with another namby-pamby white washed moderate, “electable” candidate who President Obama actually has a chance to beat. I just hope the candidate is not as horrible as McCain.


  1. Kyle, I agree with your blog post 100% but I don't see that combination ever happening so I'm sending my money to Cain. Here's hoping! And I think you're right the Fair Tax would be better, eliminate that adversarial relationship between tax collectors and taxpayers!

  2. Chris, Thanks for your comment. I agree Ron Paul will probably never happen and he is a little out there. But I think that he is just what we need right now. I look forward to hearing from you again.

