World Of Heraldry

Friday, September 2, 2011

WWJD? Homeschool.

     Today I read an article on World Net Daily. I have linked it at the end of this post.
     My wife and I have been homeschooling for almost 20 years and I could not imagine ever sending my children to our corrupt, secular, amoral public schools. There of my children have graduated high school and have gone on to college. One of them has graduated with honors from a great university, They are all well adjusted productive adults and have a strong faith.
     So why do we homeschool? Are we overprotective? Do we shelter our children? You better believe it! You would not send your child into danger in any other circumstance, yet we send them into an environment that is no longer just religion neutral, but is now openly hostile to Christianity. We teach our children to respect their elders and that the Bible is the word of God. We teach them that God created the universe and is the ruler of the universe. Then we send them off for the majority of the day to a place that tells them we are wrong, God does not exist and evolution is the answer to all life. There are no absolutes and if it feels good, do it. Everything is okay if you think it is. Is it any wonder that our kids leave their faith behind and embrace the world?
     When you send your child into the lions den he will not convert the lion. He is going to get eaten.

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