World Of Heraldry

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

FaceBook is in the bag for Obama

FaceBook has removed the picture below because they say it violates thier policies. I think they are violate my intelligence. I posted it on my FaceBook page and I urge everyone to do it.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

The end, God and Elections

Election Day is coming. For some it is already here and gone. North Carolina has early voting. I am not too sure on how I feel about that. I have voted early in the past. It is pretty convenient. If I was to go on Election Day after work I would be there for several hours waiting in line. I might go early again this year as well.
I am not very thrilled with my choices again. I am more voting against someone then for someone. I would much rather have a real choice and a clear difference between the candidates. Both sides talk a lot but I really do not expect much to change. Neither of the two parties has any real will or guts to do anything significant. Social Security, Medicare/Medicaid, Welfare and other “entitlement" programs will continue to bankrupt us. They will continue to suck us dry until we can simply no longer sustain our economy and we will collapse into ruin.
I see a dark day in the not so distant future when the USA we have will be no more. One-World Government is coming. It is promised by God himself. I have never understood Christians that fight against the coming of the One-World Government. God said it will happen and has to happen before Christs return. This will happen before the end so I say bring it on. While it will be hard, we will suffer, there will be much gnashing of teeth and sorrow. Come Lord Jesus. Come.

Friday, October 5, 2012

My Dad

My father passed away last month. My aunt sent me a scrapebook she made for me. it was pretty awesome. Here are a couple of pictures from it.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Back to it.

It has been too long and I have not posted. I have had a lot going on in my life. I will try to keep it up more.  At the right is a video I found. I was encouraged by it and I hope you are too.

 God Bless