World Of Heraldry

Monday, July 16, 2012

My worldview

What is a worldview?
A worldview, put simply is the prism that we see our world through. Your whole life has shaped your interpretation of the events in your daily life. This has created your worldview and you see life’s events through your unique prism. Every person has their own worldview and they do change over time as our experiences shape it.

What I believe as a person that holds a “Christian worldview”:
The Question of Origin Where did we all come from? For me that is an easy question, God created everything from nothing by the power of his word and put us here. We only have to read the opening statement of the Old Testament for our answer. Genesis 1:1 “In the beginning God…” We can also look to the New Testament as John 1:1-3 plainly tell us that God created all.
The Question of IdentityWhat is Man? Are we just a highly evolved mammal? No, God created the animals and he created man in his own image to rule over the animals (Genesis 1:26-27). We are special; we are not just another type of animal. We are created in the Creator’s image. We have a soul, a spirit and an intellect that the animals do not posses. We are created different. In Genesis 2:19-20 we see how God placed man in dominion over the animals.
The Question of Meaning/PurposeWhat is the point of all this? Why did God create it all? God created all for his own glory. He created all things by Himself and for Himself (Corinthians 1:16-17). He did it all for his own purpose (Ephesians 3:10-11).
The Question of MoralityWhat is right and good? How can we know Right from Wrong? God has given us the Holy Spirit and the Word of God. In the Word we have the Law (throughout the first 5 books of the Bible). It is an absolute framework of right and wrong. And the only acceptable work to enter heaven. Unfortunately we cannot meet it and require a redeemer. We are all guilty under the Law (Romans 2:12-15).
The Question of DestinyWhat happens when we die? I believe we will enter into paradise. Luke 23:39-43 tells us the story of the thief on the cross next to Jesus. Jesus said to him this day you will be in paradise with me. To be absent from the body is to be present with God. Whereas Revelation 19: 20-21 describe the lake of fire awaiting all those who do not believe.

How does my worldview affect the way I treat others and His creation?
            I try to treat others, as I would have them treat me, (Matthew 7:12). This is commonly known as the Golden Rule, but it is more then that. I must treat others with the respect I would give to Jesus. I often fail at this but I know that is my standard. We are to treat our wives as our own flesh (Ephesians 5:25-30). I must also we care for his creation. I am commanded to be an environmentalist, a conservator and a manager of God’s creation. That is what Adam was supposed to do in the garden (Genesis 2:15), and we are commanded to be good stewards of all that is His as well.

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