World Of Heraldry

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Now what

Herman Cain has imploded. Michelle Bachman is virtually nonexistent in the polls. Huntsman, Santorum, Perry, all low in the polls. All we hear from the so called news is Gingrinch and Romney. A recent poll I saw shows Gingrinch in the lead, but Ron Paul was not even present. Not 0 votes. Not an option. WHY?
I don’t agree with everything he stands for but he is what he is. If he says it he means it. You do not have to temper his remarks against what audience. He is a conservative.
He wants to bring our country back from the cliff. Cut back the government and restore some sanity.
I think he is the only one that can. But what I think doesn’t matter. I live in North Carolina and I will be forced to vote for the anointed republican nominee. Our primary does not matter since the nominee has already been anointed before we vote here.
So once again I will have a choice between a Socialist and a Socialist-lite. No real options, just a different jersey but the same game plan. I could not vote for McCain or Obama in 2008 so my vote was wasted on the libertarian. I don’t know yet if I could stomach a Romney ticket. We will have to see. I know a third party has no chance to win and a conservative vote for a third party will give us 4 more years, but the lesser of two evils is still evil and I will not vote for that.
Give me liberty or give me death.

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