World Of Heraldry

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Murder by any other name

If I intentionally kill a man or a woman it is called Murder.
If I intentionally kill a child it is called Murder.
If I intentionally kill a pregnant woman, I could and most likely would be charged with two murders.
If I am a pregnant woman, I can have an abortion with as little notice as getting a root canal or flu shot.
If I am the father of the child I have no say in the matter. I cannot force her to have an abortion, and I cannot stop her if she wants one. If I want our child and She does not I have no say, the child can be aborted without my consent.
“The Unborn Victims of Violence Act, passed in 2004, defines a fetus as a "child in uterus" and a person as being a legal crime victim "if a fetal injury or death occurs during the commission of a federal violent crime."[8] In the U.S., 36 states have laws with more harsh penalties if the victim is murdered while pregnant. Some of these laws defining the fetus as being a person, "for the purpose of criminal prosecution of the offender" (National Conference of State Legislatures, 2008). Laci Peterson, murdered in 2002, is one of the more high-profile homicides.
Currently in the North Carolina Senate, a bill called the SB 353 Unborn Victims of Violence Act is being considered for legislation that would create a separate criminal offense for the death of a fetus when the mother is murdered. The North Carolina Coalition Against Domestic Violence does not support this law for numerous reasons including failure to see violence against the mother as the cause of the fetal death.[9] The Coalition does, however, support the position of the National Network to End Domestic Violence regarding the Unborn Victims of Violence Act.” (Wikipedia)
Very Few actually say that abortion is okay in any and all circumstances including as a form of birth control. The majority of ”Pro-Choice” people will place some sort of moral or social restrictions on the total free and unabridged right to end a pregnancy.
I ask, Why? If it is okay because of other reason and not okay to use as a form of birth control, why not? What moral or other code do you use to define the line? I know someone who used to say abortion was wrong, except in cases of rape or incest. Her reasoning was, how could you force a woman to carry the baby of rape or incest for nine months, knowing where it came from. My response was how could you kill a child for the mental well being of its mother. If one of my daughters is causing me mental anguish can I kill her?
Ask any pregnant woman if she is having a baby and she will tell you yes. Look at an ultrasound and tell me that is not a baby. If it is not when does it become a baby? When it takes its first breath? When it smiles in the womb for the first time? When it moves its arms or kicks? When it sucks its thumb? How about when we can detect a heart beat?
I can’t speak for anyone but myself, and I do not condemn anyone for their past, present or future actions. All sin is equal. If I lie, I am a murderer. If I covet, I am a thief. If you are guilty in one part of the law you are guilty of all.
There is another sin that I am speaking of. It is the sin of acceptance. When I sin and do not repent please tell me. When I see others sin and say nothing or even worse condone it. I am guilty of the same sin.

Monday, November 14, 2011

The Word "Republic" Scene from The Alamo Movie (1960) | MOVIECLIPS

The Word "Republic" Scene from The Alamo Movie (1960) MOVIECLIPS


The Real Story of Thanksgiving

Nov. 25, 2009  
At this time of year, it appears a brief lesson in history is needed.  From the "Foundation for Economic Freedom" -  2007:

The Real Thanksgiving Story

In the middle of December 1620 the Pilgrims landed at Plymouth Rock, leaving behind the sinfulness of the “old world” to make a “new Jerusalem” in America. Three years later, in November 1623, they had a great feast thanking God for getting them through an earlier famine, and now for a bountiful crop.

What had created the earlier famine and then the bountiful crops? The story is told in the diary of Governor Bradford, who was one of the elders of that early Puritan colony.


Read the whole article here:

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

A blast from the past

Like the smell of your Grandma’s house as you walk in the door. Like the song that reminds you of your youth when you hear it on the radio. Like the feeling you get looking at your Mom’s photo album.
Newt is back. I have to admit when I heard he was running; I was thinking oh boy not him again. But as I listen to him, as I see more of him I remember why I liked him before. I remember the Republican Revolution. His commercial with Nancy Pelosi about Global Warming and his affairs are fading fast to his wisdom and vision.
Would he be my first pick for President? I don’t know anymore. Would I support him as VP or in a cabinet position YES!
Even with the current issues I still support Herman Cain. Newt is looking pretty good.
Plus I have read and enjoyed all of his Historical Fiction books.


Does your family have a ‘Coat of Arms’? Have you ever seen it? Would you like to? Go to:
Or if you live in the Charlotte Area, come to Concord Mills Mall just outside of Off Broadway Shoes and Vitoria’s Secret you will find World of Names. Stop by and check it out. You will be amazed and you just might find that perfect Christmas gift for the person who has everything.

What do you mean?

I am a Christian. What does that mean? The vast majority of Americans say that they are Christians, but do they mean the same thing as I do when I say it?
Before you can have a conversation with someone you have to speak the same language. If you think you can talk about God, Christ, Heaven and Hell with someone just because you both speak English you are in for a rude awakening.
I have family members that are members of the LDS (Mormon) church. I have had many conversations with them about our shared beliefs and the differences in our beliefs. At first I thought we were talking about the same thing. I quickly discovered I was wrong. Our definitions did not match up.
When I speak of Jesus Christ, I am speaking of the one and only son of God conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit in the womb of the Virgin Mary and born of her yet without sin. He is fully God and Fully man. Salvation comes through Faith and the Grace of God. Salvation is Wholly of God I contributed nothing and I am incapable of contributing anything for my own salvation. I am an Adopted son of the most Holy God and Jesus is now my brother because I was grafted into the family of God, not born into it.
However, the LDS definition of Jesus Christ is not the same as mine. The LDS Church teaches that Jesus is the first born son of God but I am also a son. We all are sons and daughters of God. So is Satan. He is our brother. God was one like us and we to can become like him.
That is not even remotely the same thing, yet we will both say we have received Salvation Through our Lord Jesus Christ.
I once had a lifelong member of the LDS Church try to explain to me that Christ was Jesus’ last name. He told me that his father’s name was Joseph Christ and his mother‘s was Mary Christ.
When I say I am a Christian, I am stating that I am a follower of Jesus Christ, the one and ONLY begotten son of the God. He is God and Man and born of the Virgin Mary without sin. He led a perfect life, was slain and rose again to be the propitiation for my sins. By faith I am saved through Grace alone lest anyone should boast.
That is only the first of many definition problems with the LDS Church and they are not the only one. When we speak to a Jehovah’s Witness, Seventh Day Adventist, Hare Krishna or any other group we have to first confirm what we mean.
Are there True Christians in the LDS Church, the Catholic Church, and Jehovah’s Witness? I say yes there are. Some have placed their faith in the True Savior and are Christians. Many more are not. Can God bring you to Salvation no matter where you are? Yes, God is God and he does as he wills. His ways are not our ways and we have no right to question anything he has, is, or will do.

Monday, November 7, 2011


How much do you owe?
How much is your city debt, state debt?
From 1776 to 2008 the US Government accumulated 10 Trillion Dollars in debt. From 2008 until now almost $5,000,000,000,000 that’s 5 Trillion additional debt. We are dangerously close to the $15Trillion mark.
To keep track of it yourself or to see other debt check out the web site below: