World Of Heraldry

Friday, September 17, 2010

Do you know who I am?

Third Day has a song entitled ‘Who I am’. To me the song is the plea of a sinner that can’t fathom his own salvation. Every time I hear it I envision Saul/Paul singing it as he stands blinded on the road to Damascus.
It starts with the lines:
I need to be someone who's a lot like you
Easy to see that I sure need something new
Though I try to live life my way
I think it goes to prove
that I need to be someone who's like you”
This plea is like most of us have had. ‘Help me Lord. I can’t help myself’. Next come the lines of acknowledgement that God is God and he is in the business of saving us lost souls.
“And I know that you want to change me
Wanna  rearrange the way I feel inside
And I've heard that you take
The broken hearts of lonely souls
And you make all things right”
Then what follows is the disbelief. Can God really save me, even me? Why would Gad ever even want to look at me, a wretched vile evil sinner?“But, do you know who I am
Have you seen the things I've done?
Do you know who I am?
Have you seen the things I've done?
The things I’ve done”
We ask this question and we agonize over it. We beat ourselves up with it and we make excuses for God to reject us. But I say to you brothers and sisters; if you are not asking this question then be afraid, be very afraid.
If we cannot come the grips with the fact that we ARE wretched vile evil sinners; if we do not see it for ourselves; then why good sir, do you need a savior? What exactly is your crime that is deserving of punishment that you need a pardon for. Are you guilty of only a few misdemeanors, or high crimes and treason? God is Holy. He is separate from all sin. ALL SIN! It does not matter if it is a “big sin” or a “little sin” it is a sin. “For whoever shall keep the whole law, and yet stumble in one point, he is guilty of all.(James 2:10 NKJV)
We are all Law Breakers and deserving of death. Yes, we are deserving of death, For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. (Romans 6:23 NKJV). So, are you too bad for the Saving Grace of God through faith in Christ Jesus? You are not but you should feel as if you are.
The song concludes with the following word and the chorus repeated until fade out.
“Never before, no there's never been a time
That I would implore you to take what's yours and mine
And use it in the way you will
In any way you find
Never before did I realize”
Do you know who you are? But more importantly, do you know who Jesus is?

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