World Of Heraldry

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

No apologies!

Recently Terry Jones, a pastor of a small independent church in Florida bought a book, he took that book and he caught it on fire.
He is unapologetic. He stands by his right to dispose of his property in any way he chooses.
I agree. Would I have done it? Maybe, but probably not. I am a Christian. I believe that the Bible is the word of God. I own several Bibles. I have multiple interpretations, Bibles in Russian, Greek, Chinese, I even have one in Scots. I have owned a Koran. I have no idea where it is now. I can’t remember what I did with it.
After the burning of the Koran by Mr. Jones, Muslims around the world have expressed their outrage. A mob of Muslims attacked U.N. Staffers and killed several of them. Roger Cohen writes in the New York Times:
So Terry Jones, the Florida pastor who organized a Koran burning on March 20, wanted “to stir the pot.” Mission accomplished. Perhaps he’d care to explain himself to the family of Joakim Dungel, a 33-year-old Swede slaughtered at the U.N. mission in Mazar-i-Sharif by Afghans whipped into frenzy through Jones’s folly.

On reflection, no, there’s nothing Jones can explain to Dungel’s family, or the other U.N. staffers murdered. Jones is not in the explanation business. He’s a zealot. How else to describe a Christian who interprets his faith not as grounded in love and compassion but as a mission to incite hatred toward Islam?

There’s no discussion with a bigot like this: You can’t be argued out of something you haven’t been argued into in the first place.
From the New York Times Opinion Pages By ROGER COHEN
Published: April 4, 2011
He is WRONG on so many levels but most importantly, the only people reasonable for the killing of the U.N. staffers are the people that killed them. Mr. Jones is in no way responsible of killing anyone. Mr. Jones can burn the Koran, burn the Bible, burn a cook book or even burn down his own house. I don’t care.
If I go to Barnes & Noble’s today and buy a Koran, I am buying a book.  It is just a book. Paper and ink and glue made by man, temporary and fleeting. The Bible contains the word of God. The words are God’s words. The paper is not the word of God. The ink is not the Word of God. The book itself is not the word of God.  The Word is the word of God.
I am tired of being told I can’t say something that might offend someone. That applies to everyone except white Christian males; it is open season on them. Read the constitution people. Free speech, Freedom OF, (not from), religion, Freedom to assemble peaceably, and many more. God Bless America.

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