World Of Heraldry

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Do not read if you if you are pro-choice (pro-murder)

Let me be clear, I believe that abortion is murder. I am not condemning anyone who has had an abortion, Only God can do that. I am simply stating my opinion. Members of my own family disagree with me, but I have to go with what I believe.
Abortion is pure and simple murder, life begins at conception and to believe otherwise is delusional. Whether you are a Christian, or not whether you believe in Creation or Evolution, Science proves that once the sperm enters the egg, and the cells divide, an unstoppable chain of events lead to a baby looking you in the eye. Unstoppable that is unless you “terminate” the pregnancy; and by that I mean Murder the child. I don’t care what your reason is I consider all abortion murder. Before you try to say my opinion does not matter because I am a man; that is a straw man argument, I am human. And don’t they to tell me I would feel different if it was my daughter that was raped, been there too.  And don’t try and say who will adopt all these babies? There are so many couples out there waiting that that would not be a problem, (I have also adopted 3 precious girls). If it is not a baby at three weeks, a month, two months, then when is it. I have had some tell me until it takes a breath it is not a person. That is ridicules; by that logic the day before birth it can be killed. Others have said when it is viable outside the womb. That is equally crazy since a baby that is otherwise not able to survive outside the womb, sucks it thumb, moves has all its body parts and looks like a tiny little baby. It is a baby. Also applying that logic a newborn is not able to survive without constant intervention for months. Are they a person? Can we snuff them out at will too?
Unwed pregnancies are a big problem, America has far too many single mothers. The answer is not murder. The answer is personal responsibility, both the man and the woman. The answer is NO SEX BEFORE MARRIAGE, ( that would also cure all STD’s if everyone applied it). Is that going to happen? No, we are fallen and sinful creatures that are ruled by our flesh. Still murder is not the answer. I have known many couples that have sorely desired to be parents but were unable to conceive. The waiting list for a newborn is gigantic; many couples wait for years to get their baby.
Below is a news clip from MSNBC. The host is claiming that by murdering his child he saved his live. His act of murder was not because of rape, incest, violence, or the life of the mother. It was selfishness. He said he was not ready to be a dad. He was ready for sex apparently; just not man enough to take responsibility. Later in the story he said he is the father of two kids, I wonder; will he tell them one day how he helped kill their older sibling?
Read below if you have a strong stomach:
MSNBC Host: ‘I Thank God and Country…Abortion Was There to Save Me’
Jan. 25, 2013 7:00pm Jason Howerton
During MSNBC’s “The Cycle” on Friday, co-host Toure celebrated the 40th anniversary of the landmark Roe v. Wade decision to legalize abortion by telling the story of when he and an old girlfriend decided to have an abortion 15 years ago.
“In some ways that choice saved my life,” Toure said.
He said he was extremely thankful abortion was an option because wasn’t ready to be a dad and going through with the pregnancy would have just made “a mess of three lives” because she “wasn’t the one.”
“I thank God and country that when I fell into a bad situation, abortion was there to save me and keep me on a path toward building a strong family I have now. And I pray that safety net stays in place,” Toure said.
Being able to choose to have an abortion makes for a “stronger America,” he concluded.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Acts – Tongues and the Holy Spirit

Acts – Tongues and the Holy Spirit
Kyle Anderson

“Acts 1:8?”
Acts 1:8 is a promise and a command from Jesus. The assembled Apostles were Jews and the Jewish perspective was that they were God’s people and the message was to the Jews. Jesus here lays out a promise of the coming Holy Spirit and the command to preach the Gospel to the world, starting in Jerusalem and spreading to the World. This was surely not the first time the Apostles had heard this message. They were witnesses to Jesus’ work with the Samaritans, (John 4), and other teachings of Jesus to reach the world with the Gospel. The point was brought home again here and shortly after the events at Pentecost the Gospel will spread to the Gentiles. “This text contains the promise of Pentecost and the mandate to witness for Jesus in the following geographical areas: Jerusalem, Samaria and the World (Kistemaker 1990, 53). The Apostles will receive power and will carry the Gospel to the World; ” But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth. (Holy Bible (NKJV) 1982)

“Brothers and Sisters”         
            From the context of verse 1:16 Peter is addressing the other 10 Apostles present, there are certainly other believers present, and they are witnesses to the event, but Peter is addressing the remaining 10 regarding Judas, who is no longer with them. The majority of Bible translations translate the first two Greek words in Acts 1:16Ἄνδρες ἀδελφοί (Marshall 1998, 464) as “Men, brethren” or simply as “Brothers”. The minority translate the verse as “Friends” or something else. While it is certain that there were women present in the group of believers, Luck mentions Mary and women, I do not agree with a gender neutral or inclusive translation. Luke writing in the social norms of his time and the Apostles speaking to the group of believers with an emphasis on the primacy of the male role used the term, “Men, brothers” I believe that in Acts 1:16, a straight forward interpretation is proper and right and conveys the original meaning of the text better the “Brothers and sisters.” While societies norms have changed and women are certainly not of lesser importance. The Greek used addresses men and should be translated as such. See also the following verses with the literal English translation of the Greek: 2:14 “Men, Jews”; 2:22 “Men, Israelites”; 3:12 ”Men, Israelites”; 5:35 ”Men, Israelites”; 17:22 ”Men, Athenians”; 17:34 “men”; 19:35 ”Men, Ephesians”; 21:28 ”Men, Israelites” in most of these verses it is certain that women are present, Peter or Paul address the crowd using the masculine “Men.” I disagree with Dr. Bock that translation of the wordἌνδρεςin verse 17:34 includes a woman. Reading the verse it says, “ But some “men” (Ἄνδρες) joined him and believed, among whom also were Dionysius the Areopagite and “a woman” (γυνὴ (Marshall 1998, 548)) named Damaris and others with them. (Holy Bible (NASB) 1995)” Some men, and a women.

            What are the “Tongues” spoken of in Acts 2:4? At the Pentecost celebration the believers were filled with the Holy Spirit. They received the power and the gifts of the Spirit. One of the gifts was the gift of tongues. The Apostles, mostly uneducated or simple men from Galilee, started to speak, or were perceived to speak in languages that there was no reasonable expectation for them to know.  The “tongues” mentioned are spoken languages of the assembled believers and not some “unknown, or heavenly” language that men do not know. Simon Kistemaker said, “The word tongue is the equivalent of the concept spoken language (Kistemaker 1990, 77). The literal translation of the Greek word “διαλέκτῳ (Marshall 1998, 466)” is “language” and is the root word for our English word “dialect”. Verse 6 clearly states that each believer present was hearing their “heart” language, not some unknown language. Each was hearing the message in as clear a language as they could so the that full intent and import could be conveyed, there could be not possibility of a poor translation or misunderstanding in the word. Thus the Glory of God was shown through the power of the Holy Spirit. Assuming that all 12 Apostles were present and that they were all preaching to the gathered, there were at least 15 different language groups represented. Verses 9-11 detail 15 nations represented in the gathering with the possibility of more. Later in the Bible Paul admonishes believers that the gift of tongues is useless unless there are some present that can interpret. If nobody understands what is being said who gets the Glory? God or man?

Bock, Darrell, L. Acts. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 2007.
Halley, Henry H. Halley's Bible Handbook. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 1965.
Holy Bible (NASB). The Lockman Foundation, 1995.
Holy Bible (NKJV). Thomas Nelson, 1982.
Kistemaker, Simon J. Acts. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Book House, 1990.
Marshall, Alfred. Interlinear NIV. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 1998.

Friday, January 18, 2013

John - The most Jewish Gospel

Israel Abrahams was perhaps the most distinguished Jewish scholar of his time.  In 1924 he gave a lecture where he proclaimed that John was the most Jewish of the four Gospels.
John is my favorite of the four Gospels because of its simplicity, yet is has a much deeper often overlooked side. Dr. Elmer Towns said “The Gospel of John seems to be the simplest of all books…. But at the same time, it is the most profound book in the Bible. (Towns, 2002, p. xi)
Why does Israel Abrahams say it is the most Jewish of the four Gospels? While John is a simple and beautiful picture of the Christ, it has many deep and subtle points that are often overlooked by the modern reader. John alludes to the Old Testament throughout his Gospel, relying heavily on Isaiah, assuming that the reader is already familiar with the Messiah and the prophecies in the Old Testament. John also dates Jesus ministry based upon the Jewish Festivals and feasts (Towns, 2002, pp. xix-xx). Israel Abrahams calls the Gospel of John the most Jewish of the four because is so intrinsically Jewish. John does not have to explain the customs or explain the importance and meaning of the feasts. He assumes that the reader already knows. Another strikingly Jewish reference that could be lost on Modern readers is the “I AM” discourses. John is affirming and Jesus is declaring that he is the messiah (Morris, 1989, pp. 107-125). The most Powerful and direct declaration of his deity is in chapter 8 where Jesus says “58 Jesus said to them, “Most assuredly, I say to you, before Abraham was, I AM.” (Holy Bible (NKJV), 1982). Here Jesus is declaring the he is the God of the Old Testament.
Lastly, John uses the landmarks of Jerusalem in a way that can only be relevant to a Jew of the time that is familiar with them. John’s use of the geography and description of sites also proves that John he was very familiar with the Israel of Jesus’ time. “There are no errors in geography or history found in John. Instead, we find that John is intimately acquainted with Palestine's land, cultures and traditions. (Roberts, 2009)
The Gospel of John is a simple and beautiful presentation of the Gospel that can be easily understood by a new believer today. The Gospel of John is an incredible deep look into Jesus the Messiah. The Gospel of John is the Word. That is why the Gospel of John is my favorite of the four Gospels.
Holy Bible (NKJV). (1982). Thomas Nelson.
Morris, L. (1989). Jesus is the Christ. Grand Rapids, MI: William B. Eerdmans.
Roberts, M. (2009). Is John's Gospel Historically Accurate? Retrieved January 18, 2013, from Westside Church of Christ, Irving Texas:
Towns, E. (2002). John. Chattanooga, TN: AMG.