World Of Heraldry

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

What is the name of the Judeo-Christian God?

Many will say Jehovah and that is a name we call him, among many others. He is the Creator, the One who Save, The Just One, Our Father, and many more. We use the word God to encompass all. It is a generic cover all to describe him who cant be described.  What do Muslims call God? Allah which means God. It is the same God of the Judeo-Christians faiths. But does the word “GOD” mean that god. To me it does. To an another it might mean something else.
Oki on posted the following:
“There is a lot of controversy about the word God in our nations Education, Political, Monetary and even Judicial processes. Some argue that the references to God are Christian references to Jesus and are trying to force or promote one religion over another. Yes and no. Our founders where largely Christian, true enough. But, if there intent was to try and promote the Christian religion over another wouldn't they have specifically said Jesus?  Wouldn't our money perhaps say in Jesus we are saved?
Problem is it doesn't.  There is also the problem of the word God itself.
It's generic. What does that mean? Simple. The word God is not specific to one religions beliefs or another. Every language has a word for God. IE if you ask a Japanese Christian, Jew, Muslim, Shinto, Buddhist, the word God they will all say Kami San. Does that mean if they look at a U.S. Dollar Bill they will all think of Jesus because the U.S. was founded by Christians? Pretty big leap of assumption don't ya' think? Or perhaps it means they will think of the God which they worship and see the money as encouraging placing your trust not in money but in a higher power. After all they were largely pretty religious people weren't they? And if you believe in nothing big deal, it is at best a subtle request which you don't have to honor. You are free to live your life as you choose, you are not forced to believe anything you don't want to. Some people will see offense in anything. Problem is the word God by itself is generic. It's what YOUR beliefs are that define what it means, TO YOU!” Oki
I agree. Our founding fathers while overwhelmingly Christian did not want a state sponsored religion or the persecution of faiths by any group or power. I do not believe that they intended or even conceived any other forms of religion other then the various sects and denominations of Christianity that were prevalent at the time, but that is irrelevant. Our countries motto; “In God we trust” no more endorses Christianity then does telling someone “Bless you” after they sneeze.

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