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Tuesday, November 13, 2012
When in the course....
30 States Petition Federal Government to Secede After Election
November 12, 2012 at 8:53pm by
Mytheos Holt
Liberals often like to compare President Barack Obama to former President Abraham Lincoln. The comparison is usually dismissed as laughably hagiographical, but judging by one unexpected bit of fallout from Tuesday’s election, it could well end up being accurate in just one respect: Like Lincoln, Obama is facing requests by the citizens of numerous states to secede from the union.
However, unlike with Lincoln, these requests are peaceful, and highly unlikely to do anything at all except generate news headlines. A massive number of petitions are currently circulating on, a website designed to call for action by the federal government or by private institutions on particular causes, calling for particular states to be granted permission to secede.
Nor are they confined to the usual suspects (IE the Southern States). In actuality, the mix of states asking to secede is deeply bipartisan, ranging from the deeply red (Alabama and South Carolina) to the deeply blue (New York) to the swing (Pennsylvania). Nor are the states asking to secede in any way geographically clustered. Northern states (New York), Midwestern states (Michigan), Southern states (Alabama) and Western states (Nevada) have all filed petitions of their own. Most swing states this election cycle, with the exception of Ohio, have a petition of their own, and all of them have at least 1,000 signatures, with even some of the bluest states in the union easily keeping pace with their red counterparts.
Is this simply the product of a few thousand discontents in each individual state? Perhaps. But Texas’ petition has over 40,000 signatures, well over the 25,000 necessary to reach the attention of the President. If this turns out to be more than the discontented murmurings of a single state, this story may get ugly.
Additionally, here is a list of all the states with petitions to secede on
Nor are they confined to the usual suspects (IE the Southern States). In actuality, the mix of states asking to secede is deeply bipartisan, ranging from the deeply red (Alabama and South Carolina) to the deeply blue (New York) to the swing (Pennsylvania). Nor are the states asking to secede in any way geographically clustered. Northern states (New York), Midwestern states (Michigan), Southern states (Alabama) and Western states (Nevada) have all filed petitions of their own. Most swing states this election cycle, with the exception of Ohio, have a petition of their own, and all of them have at least 1,000 signatures, with even some of the bluest states in the union easily keeping pace with their red counterparts.
Is this simply the product of a few thousand discontents in each individual state? Perhaps. But Texas’ petition has over 40,000 signatures, well over the 25,000 necessary to reach the attention of the President. If this turns out to be more than the discontented murmurings of a single state, this story may get ugly.
Additionally, here is a list of all the states with petitions to secede on
- Delaware
- California
- Ohio
- Nevada
- Pennsylvania
- Arizona
- Oklahoma
- Arkansas
- South Carolina
- Georgia
- Missouri
- Tennessee
- Michigan
- New York
- Colorado
- Oregon
- New Jersey
- North Dakota
- Montana
- Indiana
- Mississippi
- Kentucky
- Florida
- North Carolina
- Alabama
- Texas
- Louisiana
Thursday, November 8, 2012
A Republic, if you can keep it...
How do I feel? I am saddened. I am saddened for our country that was, I am saddened for our country that is and for our country that will be. I stopped calling myself a Republican years ago when “W” was president. I fear our Republic is dead. I have heard pundits say the Republican Party died in this election. No it was the Republic that died. It was on life support but now it has passed on. I am not sure what we are now but the founding fathers would not recognize us as the free republic they gave all to establish. A quote attributed to Benjamin Franklin just about sums it all up “When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic.” In the last few years I have seen and heard many things that have caused me to despair. Talking with coworkers, inmates and random people on the street I have met a few who are well informed and knowledgeable about the state of our country and the issues affecting us all. Unfortunately the majority are woefully uninformed and either ignorant or purposefully spouting lies to the true state of our country. I personally believe that it is ignorance. The general population is simply ignorant about our founding, the Constitution, economics, our government, so called “entitlement” programs, taxes and just about any other issue you can think of. They see money from the Government growing on trees or coming out of some magic pot. They do not know and cannot conceive the true size of the annual deficit and our national debt. Tax the rich they say and all will be fine. They have plenty of money. Even if we took every penny all of the millionaires in America had. It would not close the annual deficit. We do not have a revenue problem we have a spending problem. Another quote attributed to Benjamin Franklin says “This will be the best security for maintaining our liberties. A nation of well-informed men who have been taught to know and prize the rights which God has given them cannot be enslaved. It is in the religion of ignorance that tyranny begins.”
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
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