World Of Heraldry

Saturday, January 28, 2012

What is our motivation?

     This January begins our 18th year of our Home School journey. We have three High School graduates and three to go. Of the three that High School graduates two are in college working towards their degrees and on has graduated from college.
     If you would have asked me last month I would have said yes. Now I am not so sure.
I am reading “When I rise up” by R. C. Sproul Jr. and it has really got me thinking. So first I need to start at the beginning.
     We started in Japan where we had a bad experience in the DOD school. At first we were only going to Home School while we were in Japan. We used a complete prepared curriculum. I would have to say it was a failure by all standards. Our daughter studied to pass the test at the end of each unit and then do a data dump. She didn’t enjoy it and we didn’t see any point n continuing. Our goals were wrong and our heart was wrong.
     We moved to Florida and found the state if the public schools even worse than we had in Japan so we continued until we were to leave there. Surely the Schools at our next duty station would be better. We were still doing it for the wrong reason.
     Then we moved to San Diego and discovered we really didn’t want to send them there either.
We had received a lot of grief from friends and family over the years and it was hard, but now we were dong t not because of we didn’t want to send them to public school but because we thought it was the right thing to do. We were judging our success by what the world told us success was and continued because that is what we were supposed to do.
     Why do care what other people think about our Home School? What is my goal? Why do we do it? Those are hard questions and I am really struggling with the implications of those questions. My younger three are totally different in their needs and learning styles. We are struggling to fit round pegs into square holes and banging our heads against walls.
     Now what? Do we want to raise kids that can ace the SAT or raise Godly young women. What is more important? Learning to speak Latin or learning to be a woman of character. Should they go to college or should they prepare to be Godly wives and mothers.
     I am struggling and I am trying to figure this out. I want to do what s right not by the world’s standards but by God's.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Mitt Romney…Democrat for President

     It has been years since I have called myself a Republican.

     I stopped sometime during the Democratic presidency of George W. Bush. After Bush the country was given the choice between an inexperienced senator from Illinois or a man who couldn’t even recognize himself in a mirror because he change who he was so often he couldn’t even keep it straight.

     This year the North Carolina Primary election will be held on May 8th. That is six months after the Iowa Caucus. After 37 other states have held their Primaries. What choice will I have? NONE. The Nominee will already be picked and it appears that Mitt Romney has been anointed to be the sacrificial lamb led to the slaughter on the altar of moderation.

     In 2012 we will have the choice between a Democrat and a Socialist. Both are going to the same place, just at a different pace.

     When will republicans wake up? We they put forward “moderates” they LOSE! (Gerald Ford, Bob, Dole, John McCain.) The only reason “W” won was because he successfully fooled enough people into thinking he was a conservative and his opponents were worse than him.

     The only conservatives running for president are Ron Paul and Rick Santorum. If I had a vote it would be for Ron Paul, but since I don’t it doesn’t matter. Come November I will have the choice to vote for more and more government control or more government control. If that is my choice I think I will cast a write in vote, for myself.