World Of Heraldry

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

How much do you make a year?

I make a modest salary. It is between $40,000 and $80,000 a year. Not too bad, but there are plenty of people I know making more than me.
Today, 07/26/2011, the estimated population of the United States is a little over 311,000,000.
Our National Debt is over $14,356,000,000,000.00 ($14 Trillion Dollars, or $14 Million/Million).
That means that your share of that debt is $46,1

Our national debt is larger than the entire economies of China, the United Kingdom and Australia combined.

In 2010 the United States borrowed almost $4,000,000,000 (that’s $4 Billion) in new debt every day.

$167,000,000.00 each hour.

$2,777,000.00 each minute.

$46, 296.00 each and every second of the day.

That’s right. The U. S. Government borrows $46,296.00 every second of every day.
That means that they spend $46,276.00 more then they have, every second. EVERY SECOND!

We cannot keep this up. It is unsustainable. Just the interest alone on the debt last year was over $414,000,000,000.00

Our debt is 95% of the entire GDP. That means we have a debt almost equal to everything produced in America in a year.

Our Government has no intention of stopping this insane debt. And no intention to pay it back.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Are you reading this?

I have several readers from around the world, but I don’t know who you are. If you like what you read or disagree with anything here please leave a comment. I would love to know who you are. Thanks for reading. Enjoy.

My favorite Poem

Hear lies John Adams of Southwell

John Adams lies here, of the parish of Southwell,
A carrier who carried his can to his mouth well;
He carried so much, and he carried so fast,
He could carry no more so he was carried at last;
For, the liquor he drank, being too much for one,
He could not carry off, so now he's carrion.
- Lord Byron

Cut Cap and Balance – Raise the Debt Limit?

No, I am not talking about the national crisis facing our Republic. I am talking about my own personal financial crisis. Like the Federal Government my crisis has been looming for years and like the Government I have been increasing my debt limit and not really tackling the problem. Additionally like the Government I don’t have a revenue problem, I have a spending problem. It is also an accountability problem. I don’t track my finances like I should.
Today that is going to radically change. I am getting my house in order. I am commanded by God to be a good steward of the blessings he has given me and I am promised I will be given what I need.
Today I am taking action. I will get my house in order and then I will be in a position to serve the Lord and love my family like I should.
Now as for the Government, this will never happen but it should. Get rid of the Education Department, HUD, NRC, EPA, and many other useless and unconstitutional agencies and departments in the Federal Government.
The tenth amendment states:
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.
We need a new amendment to the Constitution. It should be a no-brainer, but unfortunately it isn’t. Here is my proposal:
Congress shale pass no budget that exceeds revenues, except during time of declared war or extreme national emergency declared by 2/3 majority of both houses.
God Bless America