I make a modest salary. It is between $40,000 and $80,000 a year. Not too bad, but there are plenty of people I know making more than me.
Today, 07/26/2011, the estimated population of the United States is a little over 311,000,000.Our National Debt is over $14,356,000,000,000.00 ($14 Trillion Dollars, or $14 Million/Million).
That means that your share of that debt is $46,160.77.
Our national debt is larger than the entire economies of China, the United Kingdom and Australia combined.
In 2010 the United States borrowed almost $4,000,000,000 (that’s $4 Billion) in new debt every day.
$167,000,000.00 each hour.
$2,777,000.00 each minute.
$46, 296.00 each and every second of the day.
That’s right. The U. S. Government borrows $46,296.00 every second of every day.
That means that they spend $46,276.00 more then they have, every second. EVERY SECOND!
We cannot keep this up. It is unsustainable. Just the interest alone on the debt last year was over $414,000,000,000.00
Our debt is 95% of the entire GDP. That means we have a debt almost equal to everything produced in America in a year.
Our Government has no intention of stopping this insane debt. And no intention to pay it back.