World Of Heraldry

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Gay marriage and Polygamy

I believe God created and sanctioned marriage as one man-one woman. Throughout history marriage has always been defined by the majority of people, cultures and countries as, one man-one woman. Recently the SCOTUS has been hearing two cases revolving around the definition of marriage and the States or Federal government’s recognition of said marriages.
I have long held that the Federal government has no business recognizing marriage beyond any other legal contract. There should be no special rights or privileges granted based on marriage. I knew several “couples” in the military that got married solely for the benefits that marriage brought. They received more pay, free housing, and more privileges.
Whit the current argument, I can’t see how any of the pro-gay marriage crowd can deny polygamy. What argument can they possible present against it? If it is okay for a man-women, man-man, woman-woman to get married why not man-man-woman, man-woman-woman. Why stop there why not man-woman-daughter. Does it have to be two humans? Can I marry my dog?
Someone please give me a valid reason why if we can redefine what marriage is, why stop at two people?
At this point I say fine, Let whoever marry whoever. The government gets completely out of the marriage business. No marriage certificates, not divorce, no benefits for getting married, no tax advantages. Marriage again would be a vow between God and those involved.
JUST AS GOD INTENDED. God never gave authority to government to sanction marriage.
Stop all government interference in marriage period.